] is the male plural form of the roman name of the family valeria . valerius is the singular form 瓦莱里|瓦莱里] ]是瓦莱里亚家族的罗马名字的男性复数形式,瓦莱里乌斯是单数形式。
It was in 350 a . d . that pope julius i declared dec . 25 as the official date for celebrating the birth of christ 公元350年,教皇尤里乌斯一世正式宣布在每年12月25日庆祝耶稣诞生。
[ [ wikipedia : valerii | valerii ] ] is the male plural form of the roman name of the family valeria . valerius is the singular form 瓦莱里|瓦莱里] ]是瓦莱里亚家族的罗马名字的男性复数形式,瓦莱里乌斯是单数形式。