| 1. | The playwright has given us human nature marvelously well 这位剧作家非常精采地向我们描述了人性。 |
| 2. | In italy one must have territorial possessions to be a count . 在意大利,如果想当伯爵,就必须有一处采地。 ” |
| 3. | Katharina schttler brilliantly portrays annika , who is not a rebel at heart Katharina schttler精采地刻划出本性并不反叛的annika的个性。 |
| 4. | About 100 species in tropical america and africa . pao rosa yielded mainly in congo in africa 近100种?分布于热带美洲与非洲?主要伐采地在刚果。 |
| 5. | 14 species in tropical america and africa . g . africana yielded in congo and best wood in longui 计14种?分布于热带美洲与非洲?主要伐采地在刚果。 |
| 6. | Branches of your family held manors over all this part of england ; their names appear in the pipe rolls in the time of king stephen 在英格兰这一带地方,到处都有你们家族分支的采地在斯蒂芬王时代,派普名册记载着他们的名字。 |
| 7. | This part analyzes the difficulties on software and hardware environment during the reformation , and the proper transform method should be taken 具体分析了转型过程中货运站在软、硬环境方面的困难及应采地的适合自身的转化途径。 |
| 8. | The rotary international programs were wonderfully constructed and instructive but it was the comradeship , the fellowship and the goodwill that shone from each face , each spirit 国际扶轮计画精采地被建构并增广知识,然而它是从每张脸、每位心灵放射出来同僚情谊,联谊和亲善的光辉。 |
| 9. | So , we use a new method to measurement the battery ' s current index . we join a little resistance in the circuit , and use the loop current as the index for the shout current 包池短路电流的新方法:采地小电阻对电池放电进行电流值采样,把此小电阻放电时的回路电流值,作为碱锰电池的一项电流指标进行检测。 |