| 1. | His rest had been deep and undisturbed . 这一觉睡得好不深沉,好不酣畅。 |
| 2. | In his younger days he had learned the delights of drunkenness when he cut off the dorset . 年轻时,他劫获“多塞特”号那一回就领略了醉酒的酣畅。 |
| 3. | Walk groundly ; talk profoundly ; drink roundly ; sleep soundly 行路踏实,言谈深刻,饮酒豪爽,睡眠酣畅。 |
| 4. | The emotions and thoughts of the nineteen ancient poems appears heartily , profound , and is full of intrinsic tension 摘要《古诗十九首》的情感思想显得酣畅、深远,充满内在的张力。 |
| 5. | For the first time martin s glorious sleep was interrupted by insomnia , and he tossed through long , restless nights 马丁的睡眠一向极酣畅,现在却第一次遭到了失眠的干扰。漫长的夜里他辗转反侧,通宵不寐。 |
| 6. | Here you can enjoy elegant guestroom , pleased tropic forest shower and high speed internet , all of which embody the humanized design 在这里您可享受典雅的客房,淋浴酣畅的热带雨林喷洒,体验高速因特网,这些无不体现了酒店的人性化设计元素。 |
| 7. | Efficacy : whiten and moisturize skin to provide more nutrients and fragrance for skin , absorb merrily and lively at once and take on crystal and clear skin color 功效:帮助肌肤焕发美白光彩,深入肌肤发挥保湿功效,让肌肤滋养润泽给予肌肤更多营养芬芳;即刻,肌肤酣畅吸入水份,充盈润泽,晶亮匀澈的肤色,转瞬呈现。 |
| 8. | Chen hongshou is also a well respected calligrapher and a painter . in writing he is skillful in the four basic calligraphic scripts , especially clerical and running script . in painting he has fame in painting flowers in the boneless style 书画家陈鸿寿兼擅古文诗词,书法行、草、篆、隶四体皆精,隶书结体奇崛,笔法劲爽;绘画多作没骨花卉,笔墨酣畅,生趣盎然。 |
| 9. | Maybe we as a team should simply go out and booze the whole night long . and then , we should just give each other a real good thrashing ? former german international mario basler offer an unlikely solution to the crisis at fc kaiserslautern 也许全队应该集体出去痛痛快快地喝他一整夜,然后,我们再彼此饱以一顿酣畅老拳-前德国国家队员马里奥-巴斯勒为危机中的凯泽斯劳滕队提供了一个不大可行的解决方案。 |
| 10. | Maybe we as a team should simply go out and booze the whole night long . and then , we should just give each other a real good thrashing ? former german international mario basler offer an unlikely solution to the crisis at fc kaiserslautern 也许全队应该集体出去痛痛快快地喝他一整夜,然后,我们再彼此饱以一顿酣畅老拳- -前德国国家队员马里奥-巴斯勒为危机中的凯泽斯劳滕队提供了一个不大可行的解决方案。 |