| 1. | No gens would have a chief or sachem from any gens but its own . 任何氏族只能从本氏族中选出其酋帅或首领。 |
| 2. | The council of the tribe also had the power to depose both sachems and chiefs . 部落会议也有罢免首领和酋帅的权利。 |
| 3. | From kin to geopolitics : evolution from tribe to country of ancient shu 古蜀酋邦向国家的演化 |
| 4. | On establishment of ancient shu country from the chiefdom theory 从酋邦理论谈到古蜀国家的建立 |
| 5. | The zulus society and the pattern of chiefdom 祖鲁与酋邦模式 |
| 6. | The chiefdom theory and the origin of the ancient country 酋邦理论与中国古代国家起源及形成问题研究 |
| 7. | Early regimes and external wars 酋邦模式与对外战争问题 |
| 8. | But not a pin cared ciss 然而西酋丝毫也不在乎。 |
| 9. | Business guide : practical guide to the united arab emirates for hong kong trader 商贸指南:港商拓展亚联酋实务指南( 6 / 99 ) |