| 1. | The industrial distribution of harbin metropolitan zone 哈尔滨都市圈产业布局研究 |
| 2. | Foshan capitalises on city cluster development 佛山利用广佛都市圈优势寻觅商机 |
| 3. | Presumption of urban governance in nanjing metropolis 南京都市圈城市管治的初步设想 |
| 4. | On the concept and definition off urban circle 试论都市圈概念及其界定标准 |
| 5. | Binhai new area and the rising of jingjinji metropolitan area 滨海新区与京津冀都市圈的崛起 |
| 6. | Development comparation of the circles of three big cities in our country 以苏锡常都市圈为例 |
| 7. | Plan the distribution and cooperation of harbin metropolitan region 构筑哈尔滨都市圈的布局与合作 |
| 8. | A study on the construction of metropolitan areas of the central china 中国中部地区都市圈建设研究 |
| 9. | Building chinese metropolitan areas on foreign experiences 从世界都市圈的发展经验谈中国的都市圈建设 |
| 10. | The development situation and characteristics of yangtze river delta 长江三角洲都市圈发展态势与特点 |