Specutating on the reason for burying su dongpo in songyang 苏轼葬郏县上瑞里原因臆探
In september 2002 , the author began to practice english extracurricular teaching in jiaxian no . l senior middle school , henan province 2002年九月笔者开始在河南省郏县一高进行课外教学的实践。
The present lake wall of stone and granitoid was not then in place , but the road had been well laid out , the intermediate spaces of lawn were lovely to look upon , and the houses were thoroughly new and imposing 在北区沿着现在的北湖滨路已建起了一批漂亮的府郏那个湖当时还没有用石块和花岗岩铺的湖堤。井然有序的道路把草坪分隔成一块块的,看上去很悦目,簇新的府第十分气派宏伟。