She was grateful to finally have what looked like sturdy shelter 她非常感激,因为她终于有了坚固的避风锚地。
Note : n0 . 1 pilotage and quarantine anchorage and the shelter anchorage are available for vessels of less than 500 gross tonnage or those approved by the competent authority ; n0 . 2 pilotage and quarantine anchorage is for all vessels ; tanker cargo - oil transferring anchorage is only for tankers carrying out oil transferring operations 注:烟台港第一引航检疫锚地和避风锚地供500总吨以下的船舶和经主管机关批准的船舶锚泊;第二引航检疫锚地供各类船舶锚泊;油轮过驳锚地限于过驳作业的油轮锚泊。