Financial stability implications apart , falling housing prices have a debilitating effect on consumption 撇开金融稳定不谈,楼价下跌仍会遏抑消费。
Beyond a certain point , the buoyancy of economic activity , notably consumption and investment , will be dampened 利率上升至某一水平后,最终会影响经济活动,尤其是遏抑消费及投资。
Headline inflation had edged up in recent months . the rise in interest rates had had some dampening effect on the property market 整体通胀在近数月微升,利率上升对楼市造成遏抑作用。
Profitability is put under pressure , and the very incentive to run small businesses , at least in their more traditional mode , may have suffered as a result 盈利前景既受遏抑,人们经营中小型企业的意欲亦会降低,这对于以传统手法经营的小企业来说尤其如是。
Thus the longer - term outlook concerning the growth of demand for the economic infrastructure , in particular , residential housing , on the mainland is clear 为遏抑经济进一步过热而实施的宏观调控,备受各界密切关注,但相信上述需求增加的前景受到影响的机会不大。
First , controls and restrictions on the flow of money can never be watertight , and they risk creating market distortions and , worse still , financial repression 第一,任何资金流动管制措施均不可能做到全无罅隙,滴水不漏,这样可能造成市场扭曲,甚至遏抑市场发展。
While inflation had so far remained contained in most of the major economies , demand pressures and tight labour - market conditions continued to point to risks of increasing inflation 尽管大部分主要经济体系的通胀受到遏抑,但需求压力及劳工市场情况紧张都显示存在通胀上升的风险。