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English translation for "遍在"


Related Translations:
遍于:  over
一遍:  ippenonce more=once again
洒遍:  perfuse
多遍算法:  multipass algorithm
追踪循环遍:  tracing loop pass
遍热带的:  cosmotropical
代码生成遍:  code generation pass
遍处斑点:  spottiness
多遍编译程序:  multipa compilermultipass compiler
游遍中国:  go around chinatravelling around china
Example Sentences:
1.He ran his eyes over the booklist and marked some titles
2.Now , let s walk through a monolithic installation of linux on a pseries box
3.This will search each package in the package list for names or descriptions that contains
4.This will search each package in the package list for names or descriptions that contains < string >
5.In order to prepare themselves for this all pervading role , they must have the right to education in all branches of knowledge
6.The complexes described to date are expressed ubiquitously , suggesting that they have general transcriptional functions
7.At the end of this article . let s walk through a monolithic installation of linux on a pseries box using suse sles 8 on a p270
让我们来看一遍在pseries机器上进行linux完全安装的过程,使用的是p270上的suse sles 8 。
8.His eyes had been soon and repeatedly turned towards them with a look of curiosity ; and that her ladyship after a while shared the feeling , was more openly acknowledged , for she did not scruple to call out ,
9.He was so obstinate in his resolution , that heathcliff deemed it expedient to compel from my lips a recapitulation of what had taken place ; standing over me , heaving with malevolence , as i reluctantly delivered the account in answer to his questions
10.Based on agriculture resources , aimed at dwellers in great city , agri - tourism takes ecological tourism as it ' s background . for these special features , theories must be got to guide agri - tourism ' s healthy and sustainable development . this paper can be divided into two parts : the theory part and the application part
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