Am i such an ogre that you can ' t even discuss your plans with me 你们这样的事情都不跟我商量我是这么不通情理的人吗?
Someone who understands 那人通情又达理
It was said so positively , that passepartout could not help muttering to himself , parbleu , that s certain 他的话是那样肯定和干脆,使路路通情不自禁地自言自语起来: “对!
We sought to determine the accuracy of serial national institutes of health stroke scale ( nihss ) scores to detect complete early recanalization of the middle cerebral artery 我们设法确定一系列美国国立卫生研究院的中风尺度( nihss )的准确度,以便发现大脑中动脉的早期再通情况。