According to the usual practice of elegant females 仿效一般高贵的女性的通例
According to the usual practice of elegant females 仿效一般高贵的女性的通例
To affirm and regulate the bankruptcy recall right is the general rule of the bankruptcy law of the world 对破产取回权予以肯定和规制,是当今世界各国破产法的通例。
Legal person becomes the partner is the general regulation in most countries . it has been proved by theory and experiences 法人成为合伙人是许多国家的通例,在理论和实践上并无难以逾越的障碍。
Its emphasis is not on rules or on formulas that may last only a few years , but on principles and precepts that will last a lifetime 通识课程不以一时的通例或程式为要,而以恒久不变的原则及教诲为重。
The principle of presumption of innocence , a general rule in many countries ' legislation and international conventions , determines the suspect or the defendant ' s procedural position and rights in criminal suit 摘要无罪推定原则是各国立法通例和国际公约普遍规定,主要确定刑事诉讼中犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的诉讼地位及诉讼权利。
The second part is the study of guardian on the base of the guardian study of model country the writer points out that people who don " t have the tutelary ability can " t serve as tutelary body , which is also the generally accepted rules of the word 第二部分为监护人的研究。文章在对世界上典型国家和地区监护人进行比较和分析的基础上,指出无监护能力就不具有担任监护人的资格,这也是世界各国的立法通例。
Yujiaxi ( 1884 - 1955 ) is a famous documentationer in contemporary history of china , devoted all his life to teaching and academic research . his famous works , such as a study of bibliography , a distingish to four storroom books abstract , the notes and commentaries of sill shuo xin yu , the stylistic rules and layout of ancient books , a collection of yu jiaxi history paper , covered a wide field 余嘉锡( 1884 - 1955 )是我国现代著名的文献学家。他以毕生的精力致力于文献学的教学与研究。 《目录学发微》 、 《四库提要辨证》 、 《世说新语笺疏》 、 《古书通例》 、 《余嘉锡文史论集》等便是他所写的具有重要影响的著作。
A distinguish to four storeroom books abstract , shi shuo xin yu " s notes and commentaries , are his representative works . he was good at using edition and textual criticism etc . knowledge to identify historical events and materials and steive to recover history true feature . because textual research " s object is ancient books , ancient books had different style and easy to cause all kinds of questions which would effect correct understanding . so , in a work of ancient books stylistic rules and layout , he studied ancient books style from the view of true and false , name , compile , appendix , inside section and outside section of book 4 to use story to explain problem . what he said is quote copiously from many sources , and gave a minute description 余嘉锡在考据学方面亦有重大的成就, 《四库提要辨证》 、 《世说新语笺疏》等书就是他在这方面的代表作。他擅长运用版本、校勘等知识对史乎、史料进行认真而细致的考据,力求还历史以本来面目。冈为考据对象多为占书,而且古书体例不一,易出现各种问题,影响人们对书中内容的理解,为此,他写成了《古书通例》一书,从宏观的角度研究古书体例,对古侈的真伪、命名、编定、附益以至书分内外篇和诸子书中用故事说明观点等问题,旁征博引,详加解释,对学术史贡献极大,这是当肘许多学者所不及的。