| 1. | Sharpitlaw waited to deliver up jeanie deans to his custody . 沙比脱劳正等着把珍妮迪恩斯交给他看守。 |
| 2. | David deans, as we have said, was easy, and even opulent in his circumstances . 如我们所知,戴维迪恩斯家境不差,甚至相当富裕。 |
| 3. | The distress of deans's family had also their share in his unpleasant reflection . 而迪恩斯一家的痛苦,在他的不愉快的回忆中也占一席之地。 |
| 4. | Jeanie deans, however, found no fault with this display of learning, but on the contrary, admired it . 然而珍妮迪恩斯不但不怪他卖弄,相反倒很羡慕他的学问。 |
| 5. | It became gradually apparent that deans was to gain the strife, and his ally in the conflict was to lose it . 事情渐渐明朗起来:迪恩斯肯定斗得赢,而他的盟友却要输掉。 |
| 6. | Although the hours appeared long in some respects to deerslayer, judith did not find them so . 从某种意义上来说,杀鹿人感到时间过得特别慢,而朱迪恩却丝毫没有这种感觉。 |
| 7. | The second surprise had been accomplished for jeanie deans by the rod of the same benevolent enchanter . 使珍妮迪恩斯第二次吃惊的事是由那位以慈悲为怀的魔术师的魔杖所引起的。 |
| 8. | When these preliminary forms had been gone through, the judge required euphemia deans to attend to the verdict to be read . 当这例行仪式进行完毕,首席法官就要求尤菲米姬迪恩斯谛听宣读裁决。 |
| 9. | Deans and the widow butler were placed in such a situation, as naturally and at length created some intimacy between the families . 但由于迪恩斯同巴特勒寡妇同处困境,两个家庭之间自然而然形成了亲密的联系。 |
| 10. | The declaration of effie deans was uttered on other principles, and the following is a sketch of its contents, given in the judicial form . 艾菲迪恩斯的陈述却与众不同。其内容概要,仍照当时司法文件形式摘录如下。 |