| 1. | Huancheng road xianggelira zang distract diqing yunnan shangri - la 云南省迪庆臧族自治州香格里拉县环城东路香格里拉 |
| 2. | Grow the tourism group to promote the special features economy development of xianggelila county 培育旅游产业集群促进迪庆香格里拉特色经济发展 |
| 3. | Also in this mountain range is the kawagebo peak , the highest in yunnan , the summit of which has yet to be conquered by any mountain climber 峡谷群在迪庆比比皆是,其中一香格里拉大峡谷、虎跳峡、澜沧江大峡谷最负盛名。 |
| 4. | At present , it has served as host to countless guests from many nations , including many celebrities and persons of political distinction 环太酒店鲜明的地方特色、强烈的时代感和周到细致的服务,创造了迪庆酒店的服务经典。 |
| 5. | On september 14 , 1997 a news conference was held by the people s government of yunnan province to announce that diqing had been determined to be the site of the original " shangri - la " 近年来,海内外专家学者经多方考证,认为希尔顿小说中的香格里拉原形在云南省迪庆藏族自治州境内。 |
| 6. | Diqing s pasture land , along with its 5 , 000 lakes , covers a total area of 440 , 000 ha and the entire region is dotted with colorful flowers , herds of cattle , and flocks of sheep 迪庆草场有44万公顷,湖泊5000余个,这里鲜花铺地,牛羊成群,碧塔海、纳帕海、属都海、千湖山等高原湖泊让人流连忘返。 |
| 7. | Each of the ethnic groups within the region has developed its own distinctive cuisine , type of dwelling , clothing , and religious practices which most visitors find fascinating 迪庆各族人民在长期的生活实践中逐步形成了自己一套吃、住、穿、行的独特风格,无以体会这种新奇的满足和愉悦,必是人生一大遗憾。 |
| 8. | When yunan province solemnly declared in september 1997 that shangri - la is in diqing zang autonomous region in yunan , china , people in the world were shocked . therefore , 当云南省于1997年9月郑重宣布,经过近一年来数十位专家学者的考察踏勘和资料察证,证实“香格里拉”就在中国云南的迪庆藏族自治区时,世人为之震惊。 |
| 9. | Tiger leaping gorge hydroelectric power station , located at the boundary between lijiang autonomous prefecture and diqing autonomous prefecture of the northwestard of yunnan province , is the regulating reservoir on jinshajiang river 金沙江虎跳峡水电枢纽位于云南省西北部迪庆藏族自治州和丽江纳西族自治州交界处,是金沙江的龙头水库。 |
| 10. | The nationality schools in bdae - chena should conduct courses of studying practical techniques to develop an education combining knowledge with technology as well as to prepare students for either continuing school education or taking up occupations 二,迪庆藏区民族学校应增设实用技术课程,发展学用结合的民族学校教育,并帮助学生做好升学或就业两种准备。 |