| 1. | Stringer webs have cracked in suspension bridges at the stringer-floor beam connections . 在悬索桥的纵梁和横的连接处,纵梁的腹板上发生开裂。 |
| 2. | Cracking was initially detected in the east truss at the pin link connection in member l15-l16 . 裂纹首先发现于东侧桁架的L15-L16杆件的枢轴链杆连接处。 |
| 3. | The box girders were to be precast units, bonded together in place at the joints with an epoxy resin . 箱梁采用预制构件,在现场连接处涂以环氧树脂,以粘结成为整体。 |
| 4. | The second crack is a crack originating at the groove weld toe of the column flange-girder flange connection . 第二种是产生于立柱翼缘与主梁翼缘连接处的坡口焊缝焊趾处的裂纹。 |
| 5. | Two structures that experienced cracking in the longitudinal girder web at x-type cross-frame are reviewed in detail hereafter . 以下将详细评论在纵梁腹板与X型横向框架连接处开裂的两座结构。 |
| 6. | Huh ? well , joint connections are easily broken 是吗?对啊,连接处被轻易弄坏了呢 |
| 7. | Yeah , and then tinier cracks between the connections 对,而小的裂缝就在这些连接处中 |
| 8. | Move flame back and forth as alloy is drawn into joint 当合金流进连接处时,要前后移动火焰。 |
| 9. | The hollow under the upper part of the arm at the shoulder 腋上肢和肩膀连接处下面呈窝状的部位 |
| 10. | A seam in a coat is a join . 衣服的线缝是个连接处。 |