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English translation for "违背诺言"

breach of promise
go back on

Related Translations:
违背:  violate; go against; run counter to 短语和例子违背历史事实 be contrary to the historical facts; 违背良心的合同 unconscionable bargain; 违背人民的意志 go against the will of the people; 违背条约 violate a treaty; 违背原则
违背惯例:  out of usual practice
违背良心:  against one's conscience
违背者:  violator
违背保证:  breach of warranty
违背道德:  moral turpitudetransgress morality
违背原则:  violate a principle
违背意愿:  against one's will
违背规定:  deviation
违背规则:  departure from rulesinfringement of rulesvary from a rule
Example Sentences:
1.If you ever break your promise to me again , i will never talk to you .
2.We can trust him - - - - he never breaks his promise
3.I felt guilty after breaking my promise
4.They knew full well that he would certainly break his promise
5.People want to do friends favors and hate to break a promise
6.If you make a promise , you must keep it , you ought not to break it
7.You didn ' t break your word
8.I promised jack i wouidn ' t iet anyone hurt him . i ' m not gonna break that promise
9.So that on the seven of hearts there hung not merely the loss of sixteen hundred roubles , but the consequent inevitable betrayal of his word
Similar Words:
"违背历史事实" English translation, "违背良心" English translation, "违背良心的合同" English translation, "违背良心做自己不愿做的事情" English translation, "违背某人意愿" English translation, "违背诺言不是他会干出来的。" English translation, "违背人民的意志" English translation, "违背社会公德" English translation, "违背时代潮流" English translation, "违背誓言" English translation