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English translation for "违背约言"

break one's promisego back on one's word

Related Translations:
约言:  promise; word; pledge 短语和例子实行约言 redeem one's pledge; 违背约言 break one's promise; go back on one's word; 遵守约言 be true to one's promise
实行约言:  redeem one's pledge
约言之:  in a word indistinct
遵守约言:  be true to one's promise
限制性的约言:  restrictive covenant
违背:  violate; go against; run counter to 短语和例子违背历史事实 be contrary to the historical facts; 违背良心的合同 unconscionable bargain; 违背人民的意志 go against the will of the people; 违背条约 violate a treaty; 违背原则
违背惯例:  out of usual practice
违背良心:  against one's conscience
违背者:  violator
违背保证:  breach of warranty
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