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English translation for "远洋航行"

ocean navigation
ocean service
on long voyage

Related Translations:
远洋贸易公司:  far ocean trading co
远洋货物:  ocean-going goods
远洋海军:  ocean-going naval force
远洋贸易远洋运输:  deep-sea tradedesea trade
宁波远洋:  nosco
远洋生物:  marine pelagic organismpelagic organisms
远洋鱼:  pelagic fish
远洋传递:  oversea transmission
远洋运输业:  oversea shi ing tradeoversea shipping tradeoverseashi ing tradeoverseashipping trade
远洋舰艇:  sea-going ships
Example Sentences:
1.The compass made possible navigation out of sight of land .
2.Made or used for ocean voyages
3.Can be used in upper room and cabins of yachtes , ships in rivers and ocean going ships
4.Magnetic storms can also disrupt long - distance radio communication essential for ocean - faring ships and intercontinental flights
5.Henry ' s goal was to design and equip vessels that would be capable of making long ocean voyages without having to keep close to the shore
6.To prince henry the world owed credit for development of craft that made oceanic exploration possible . he lived in history as henry the navigator
7.The $ 1 . 40 stamp shows the ancient compass as a south - pointing ladle . the stamp depicts a hodometer developed from a compass cart and a ship launched by zheng he ( ad 1371 - 1433 ) , a world - renowned navigator , during his epoch - making expeditions
背景绘画记里鼓车以及明朝三宝太监郑和( 1371 - 1433年)下西洋所乘船舰。前者在指南车的基础上发展而来,后者远洋航行,依赖的是导向的指南针。
Similar Words:
"远洋航船" English translation, "远洋航路" English translation, "远洋航轮" English translation, "远洋航区" English translation, "远洋航线" English translation, "远洋航行船" English translation, "远洋航行的" English translation, "远洋航行的, 海上旅行的" English translation, "远洋航行龙骨船" English translation, "远洋航运咨询公司" English translation