| 1. | Threats to the far eastern leopard 远东豹面对的威胁 |
| 2. | Siberia : catastrophic snowfalls threaten endangered leopard and tiger 西伯利亚:濒危远东豹和东北虎饱受狂风暴雪威胁 |
| 3. | Siberia : catastrophic snowfalls threaten endangered leopard and tiger 西伯利亚:濒危远东豹和东北虎饱受狂风暴雪威胁 |
| 4. | With only 40 individuals left in the wild , the far eastern leopard is on the brink of extinction 现今全球只剩下40头的野生远东豹,属于濒临绝种动物。 |
| 5. | A conservation strategy for the far eastern leopard was developed by wwf in 1997 and approved as the national strategy in 1998 世界自然基金会于1997年为远东豹制定一套保育策略,在1998年获得认可为国家策略。 |
| 6. | Poachers not only shoot this rare cat but also its prey , which include the roe and dappled deer , as well as racoons , badgers , and hares 花斑鹿浣熊獾和野兔等也不放过,估计单在1970至1983年间,远东豹的栖息生境已骤降八成。 |
| 7. | This could in turn threaten the survival of both the far eastern leopard and the amur tiger or siberian tiger , whose main source of food is ungulates 和野猪等可能会集体饿死,从而威胁到捕食有蹄动物的远东豹和东北虎又称西伯利亚虎的存活。 |
| 8. | A new protected area is being created within the bounds of the far eastern leopard s natural habitat , and preparations to introduce this animal to new areas are in progress 在远东豹的自然栖息地建立新保护区,并筹备把这个物种引领到新领土。 |
| 9. | Pushing for the implementation of development strategies for the far - eastern ecoregion , that will contribute to stop the decline of the far eastern leopard s population 打击偷猎活动促请政府为远东生态区域实行发展策略,协助遏止远东豹种群下降。 |
| 10. | The far eastern leopard was featured in wwf s fundraising efforts in russia last year . several social events in moscow involving celebrities were dedicated to the leopard conservation programme 去年俄国分会为远东豹筹募保育经费,在莫斯科举行有关豹类保育项目的社交活动,并邀得名人出席。 |