纱: 名词1.(棉花、麻等纺成的较松的细丝) yarn 短语和例子棉纱 cotton yarn; 一束纱a skein of yarn2.(经纬线很稀的织物) gauze; sheer 短语和例子窗纱 gauze for screening windows; 铁纱 wire gauze
嘴: 名词1.(口的通称) mouth 短语和例子歪嘴 wry-mouthed; 噘起嘴 purse up one's lips2.(形状或作用像嘴的东西) anything shaped or functioning like a mouth 短语和例子山嘴 the spur of a hill; 茶壶嘴 the spout of a teapot; 烟嘴儿 cigarette