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English translation for "进入水"

inlet water

Related Translations:
限制进入:  entrance restriction
进入屏幕:  frame in
校准进入:  calibrating run
进入青春期:  adolesce
腹腔进入:  intraperitoneal route
进入脑海:  in to brain
识别进入:  identification run
进入场:  approach apron
擅自进入:  gatecrashtrespassing
获准进入:  gain admission intogain admission toobtain admission intoobtain admission to
Example Sentences:
1.Turning earth into water , dark and nothing clear
2.Once in the water , it reacts to form carbonic acid
3.Then they go into the water and throw flowers into the ocean
4.Highly treated wastewater cannot be piped directly into a water supply
5.Through the bird ' s feces , trematode eggs enter the water
寄生虫在鸟类体内成熟、繁殖, ?们的卵再经由鸟粪进入水中。
6.Those wheels dig in
7.It stakes out penguin colonies and grabs the birds when they enter the water
8.The dive master should cover depth at the site , visibility , currents and other potential hazards
9.When the boat has reached its maximum lowering speed and before the boat enters the water , the brake should be abruptly applied
10." this level of acidity will get much more extreme in the future if we continue releasing co2 into the atmosphere , " said dr caldeira
Similar Words:
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