情报: intelligence; information 短语和例子电子情报 electronic intelligence; 互通情报 exchange information; 刺探情报 pry for information; 科技情报 scientific and technological information; 美国中央情报局内幕 the inside story
监督: 1.(察看并督促) supervise; superintend; control; monitoring; supervision 短语和例子国际监督 international control; 监督劳动改造 labour reform under surveillance; 监督保证作用 supervisory and guaranteering functions;
接受: accept; acceptance; reception; take; embrace 短语和例子接受辞职 accept a resignation; 接受新事物 absorb what is new; 口头接受 verbal acceptance; 书面接受 written acceptance; 盲从地接受 slavishly accept; 接受判决 accepta