弹: 弹名词1.(弹子; 小球形的东西) ball; pellet 短语和例子泥弹儿 mud ball2.(内装爆炸物, 具有破坏和杀伤能力的东西) bullet; bomb 短语和例子导弹 guided missile; 燃烧弹 incendiary bomb; 饮弹而亡 die of a hit by bullet
近: Ⅰ形容词1.(空间或时间距离短) near; close 短语和例子近百年史 the history of the last hundred years; 近几年来 in recent years; 歌声由远而近。 the singing came closer and closer. 靠近些。 come closer. 离国庆节很近了。 national day is d