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English translation for "轴承表面"

bearing surface

Related Translations:
轴承:  [机械工程] bearing; axle bearing; bearing of shafts; gudgeon block; mechanical bearing; pillow; shaft bearing 短语和例子滚珠轴承 ball bearing; 滚柱轴承 roller bearing; 滑动轴承 plain bearing; 微型轴承 miniature be
Example Sentences:
1.Suitable for measuring surface temperature of pipeline , pipeline in reaction furnace and bearing
2.Hydraulic grease fitting : hydraulic grease fitting provides for lubrication of yoke sleeve bearing surfaces ( not shown )
液压润滑油注入器:液压润滑油注入器为轭架套管轴承表面提供润滑(没有图示) 。
3.Standard specification for total hip joint prosthesis and hip endoprosthesis bearing surfaces made of metallic , ceramic , and polymeric materials
4.Hardfaced seating surfaces , large diameter hinge pins , and corrosion resistant bearing surfaces help lengthen operating life in tough surfaces
5.It is mainly used to measure bearing temperature of various bearing equipment in the power station , which measured end is closely cling to surface of the measured bearing depend on shock - proof structure , hence improving accuracy in measuring temperature
6.Expoles an algorithm about bearing surface defects detection by support vector machines that is the new branch of machine learning , in which the defective area and non - defective area are treated as two different textures and are sampled respectively to be learned , in order to reduce dimension , the image data can be processed by pca
摘要提出一种基于支持向量机的轴承表面缺陷检测算法,该算法把轴承中的非缺陷区域和缺陷区域分别看作两种不同的纹理模式,利用主成分分析法( pca )对图像进行降维处理,然后用支持向量机方法对两类不同的样本采样学习,进行分类判断。
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