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English translation for "软学科"

soft discipline

Related Translations:
人文学科:  humanities
学科建设:  discipline building
学科建立:  discipline forming
学科主题:  subject
知识学科:  content subjectintellectual discipline
技能学科:  skill subject
经济法学科:  discipline of economic law studieseconomic law studies
基础学科:  basic disciplinebasic subject
正式学科:  formal subject
学科体系:  subject system
Example Sentences:
1.There has been criticism of basic standards in english state schools , with opposition mps saying many focused on so - called soft subjects
2.After the searching and positioning knowledge point according to the correlation , intensity , overlapping of correlation and intensity , transfer of search center , search with multiple search centers , we can find five ways of the interaction of interdisciplinary knowledge point : comparison , combination of knowledge point of two or three disciplines , combination of knowledge point of multiple disciplines , combination of knowledge point of soft and hard disciplines , and co - existence
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