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English translation for "身心疲惫"


Related Translations:
疲惫敌军:  wear down the enemy forces
身心:  body and mind 短语和例子健全的身心 a sound body and mind; 身心健康 sound in body and mind; physically and mentally healthy; 身心不悦 be in a bad mood; be in low spirits; 身心受到摧残 be physically injured and men
身心学:  somatics
修养身心:  cultivate the body and the spirit
身心运动:  body-mind exercisemind-body workout
松散身心:  to relax oneself
身心的:  psychosomaticychosomatic
身心负担:  physical and mental burden
身心问题:  body mind problem
身心崩溃:  total eclipse of the heart
Example Sentences:
1.Your health ? are you headed for burnout
2.My point with all of this is that entertaining can be fun and stress - free
3.And now , when i am old and tired , you show up to complicate things
4.My body ' s weak
5.Becoming intimate with too many different partners will lead to health and emotional problems that you can do without
6.As the aggravate that the society competes , of actuating pressure increase , more and more urbanite feel exhaustion of body and mind
7.But i was already an emotional wreck , and the thought of thrashing out the details through dueling lawyers filled me with dread
8.Burnout is a serious condition from which it takes a long time to recover . learn the symptoms so you can recognize them early
9.A huge meal can create indigestion as well as leave us feeling exhausted and ends up tempting us to slob out on the sofa rather than go for a gentle walk
10.Bill gates is smiling again . the boyish enthusiasm is back , and the gruelling burdens of monopoly lawsuits and dotcom downturns are receding
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