[ báshānshèshuǐ ] travel over land and water; cross mountains and river; make an arduous journey; over the hills and through the rivers; scale mountains and ford streams; travel by climbing up hills and wading over [through] rivers; travel over mountains and rivers 短语和例子 他们跋山涉水, 步行二百余公里, 来到了一个青山环抱的小村庄。 across hills and rivers, they walked more than two hundred kilometres and arrived at a little hamlet nestling in the green mountains
假如我为了呼唤你而跋山涉水: if i swam the longest river just to call your name
Example Sentences:
Across hills and rivers , they walked more than two hundred kilometres and arrived at a little hamlet nestling in the green mountains . 他们跋山涉水,步行二百余公里,来到了一个青山环抱的小村庄。
But i know i am travelling to meet my friend 但我知道,我正跋山涉水,为了朋友的相逢。
We came a long road to get here 我们跋山涉水来到这里
You don ' t have to travel 你不必跋山涉水,远渡重洋。
You could taste guangxi original zoology cate without paddling and climbing mountains 无需跋山涉水,品尝广西原生态美食。口味清鲜脆嫩,形态清秀雅丽。
They climbed mountains , waded rivers , endured fatigue , faced all kinds of danger for the sake of their great leader 为了他们的伟大领袖,他们跋山涉水,不顾疲劳,面临各种艰难险阻而毫无惧色。
Raelag : you say you serve a higher purpose , but your only purpose - as i see it - is to make me travel a lot 雷拉格:你说你服务于崇高的目的,但是就我所知,你的唯一目的? ?正是我为此跋山涉水,四处奔波的原因。
He spoke with me of three difficult , arduous months where he and his mother walked mile after mile after mile in search of his father who was , during that cold winter , in exile 他回顾到在一个寒冬季节,他和妈妈的整整三个月时间里跋山涉水,力尽艰辛寻找流离失所的亲人- -他的父亲。
She went through all kinds of suffering and spent much time and energy before she could find the true master . one cannot help feeling respect for this type of courage and fearless spirit in seeking the truth 为了了生脱死,这位师姊跋山涉水,历尽千辛万苦,花了多少精力和岁月,才寻得真师,这种忘我求道的精神和勇气,实在令人不禁感佩!