English translation for "走锚"
- drag of anchor
dragging of anchor slip
Related Translations:
锚垫板: anchor backing plate (abp) 电磁锚: electromagnetic anchor
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Captain / chief officer , anchor is dragging 船长/大副,船在走锚。 | | 2. | The chain is broken 船在走锚 | | 3. | 3 . the magnitudes of anchor chain tension caused by heave and pitch is small . so is the effect on dragging anchor . 4 . the depth of water , which anchored ship requires , is to large extent affected by heave and pitch 水深对横荡和首摇运动影响较大,水深增加,横荡和首摇运动幅度增大,因此,对锚链冲击力增大,即对走锚的影响较大。 | | 4. | The third chapter , by the given handling area in the vlcc anchorage in the port guangzhou , analyses the anchoring methods with the theory of navigation and the mathematic model , lists the different methods in the different sea conditions and forward how to avoid dragging 第3章是结合广州港大型油轮锚地过驳的水域条件,运用操船理论和数理方法对卸油船锚地双舷过驳的抛锚方法进行了分析研究,提出了在不同海况条件下的抛锚优化方案,阐明了防止走锚的一般措施和关键措施。 |
- Similar Words:
- "走马疳,坏疽性口炎" English translation, "走马疳后遗症" English translation, "走慢" English translation, "走慢步" English translation, "走猫步" English translation, "走锚自动报警器" English translation, "走迷宫" English translation, "走南闯北" English translation, "走内" English translation, "走内线" English translation