| 1. | Eighteen people including at least eight airline workers have been charged with helping to smuggle heroin and cocaine through the airport 至少八条航线的18名工作人员被起诉,涉嫌通过机场帮助走私海洛因和可卡因。 |
| 2. | Eighteen people including at least eight airline workers have been charged with helping to smuggle heroin and cocaine through the airport 被控参与机场走私海洛因和可卡因的十八人中至少有八名是航空公司工作人员。 |
| 3. | Eighteen people including at least eight airline workers have been charged with helping to smuggle heroin and cocaine through the airport 涉嫌经由机场走私海洛因和可卡因而被起诉的十八人中包括至少八名机场工作人员。 |
| 4. | Eighteen people including at least eight airline workers have been charged with helping to smuggle heroin and cocaine through the airport 至少八条航线的18名航空工作人员被起诉,涉嫌通过机场帮助走私海洛因和可卡因。 |
| 5. | Eighteen people including at least eight airline workers have been charged with helping to smuggle heroin and cocaine through the airport 包括至少八名机场工作人员在内的十八名人员被指控在机场协助走私海洛因和可卡因。 |
| 6. | Eighteen people including at least eight airline workers have been charged with helping to smuggle heroin and cocaine through the airport 共18人因企图通过机场助其走私海洛因和可卡因而遭起诉,其中至少有8名机场工作人员。 |
| 7. | An indonesian court jailed an australian woman for life on monday in a high - profile heroin - trafficking trial , ignoring a request for leniency from prosecutors because of her co - operation in the case . 2 月13日,印度尼西亚登帕萨地方法院判处澳大利亚一名走私海洛因的妇女无期徒刑。 2月13日,印度尼西亚登帕萨地方法院判处澳大利亚一名走私海洛因的妇女无期徒刑。 |