1.(赖债) repudiate a debt 2.(食言) go back on one's word 短语和例子 他竟有脸赖账吗? did he have the nerve to go back on his word
Related Translations:
他竟有脸赖账吗: did he have the nerve to go back on his word
Example Sentences:
An ill payer never wants an excuse 赖账者不愁没有藉口。
L ' ll have your damn house repossessed 你要是继续赖账
L ' ll have your damn house repossessed 你要是继续赖账
A lawyers also benefited a lot from working for the bush camp 来看,为了华盛顿的业务,律师事务所还不得不拉拢赖账的客户。
Mikhail : this brute just killed ratka , trying to cheat him out of a bet 米克黑尔:这个畜牲杀了瑞特卡,因为他打赌赌输了想赖账。
Excuse me , if the boss is to bilked zhang to run , what consequence does my homecoming bear 请问,假如老板是赖账跑了,我的同学会承担什么后果?
If a deadbeat friend is bad news , a deadbeat child or sibling can be even worse 如果一个赖账的朋友是个不好的消息,那么碰到赖账的子女等后辈或兄弟姐妹等同辈则情况更糟。
In market economy system , this deficiency in credit management has clearly emerged as a series of problems : outstanding payment , repudiated debt , out - of - control internal management , back stage deal between operator and customer , and staying high receivables . all these credit problems have become the bottleneck for the enterprises " development 进入市场经济体制后,我国企业在信用管理上的欠缺就明显地显现出来,企业间相互拖欠、赖账不还、内部管理失控、业务员与客户内外勾结、应收账款居高不下等现象愈演愈烈,信用问题已成为制约企业发展的瓶颈。