| 1. | This implies the need for significant increases in official concessional flows to support countries committed to reform . 这意味着需要大量增加官方优惠资金的流入,以支持这些立志改革的国家。 |
| 2. | The influx of money is creating new jobs in hotels and restaurants as traditional industries like farming and timber fade out 资金的流入创造了新的旅馆和餐饮就业机会,而传统的农业及林业日渐式微。 |
| 3. | The infusion of new money has powered the contemporary art market , with prices in the sector rising far above the rest of the market 新资金的流入推动了当代艺术作品市场的发展,该领域作品的价格升幅远远高于市场其它领域。 |
| 4. | He said a combination of low interest rates and expectations of further appreciation of the renminbi have caused an influx of overseas money 他认为,这种情况与低利息和期望人民币进一步增值有关,已经导致海外资金的流入。 |
| 5. | They seem to have become more ready than before to regulate the outflow and inflow of funds , through a variety of formal or informal measures 它们较以往更容易采取规管的做法,具体上以各种正式或非正式措施来限制资金的流入及流出。 |
| 6. | It concludes in this article that the strategic target of fund management is to keep an equilibrium and effective fund flow . equilibrium refers to the balance of fund inflows and outflows during their operations , while effectiveness refers to the fund increment 本文认为,企业集团资金管理的战略目标是资金均衡、有效的流动,均衡性是指资金的流入流出协调配合,达到合理:有效性是指让资金在合理的流动中尽可能多地增值。 |
| 7. | In 2004 , the spread between hong kong and us interest rates had widened , as substantial fund inflows in the latter part of the year drove local rates substantially below that of the u . s . the divergence between the hong kong and us rates last year is unusual 预期美国息率会于今年再度提高,本地利率亦会相应跟随。由于去年下半年大量资金的流入,本地息率相对美国的来说处于极低水平,导致二零零五年两地利率的差距拉阔,这是个不寻常的现象。 |
| 8. | The rapid build - up in recent months has been driven primarily by a swelling trade surplus and strong foreign investment . speculative capital inflows , much of it banking on a revaluation of the chinese currency , are also contributing to the build - up , but not to the extent that they were late last year 最近几个月人名币的升值是由于迅猛的贸易增长和外国投机资金的流入而导致的,许多银行业巨头对人名币重估的要求也对升值起了作用,但没有达到去年预期的升值程度 |