| 1. | To assign one rate per material resource 如果要为每项材料资源输入一个费率: |
| 2. | You can enter one or more per - use costs for a material resource 您可以为一项材料资源输入一项以上的每次使用成本。 |
| 3. | Enter one per - use cost for a material resource if you do n ' t want to incorporate future cost changes 如果您不考虑未来成本的更改,可为材料资源输入一项每次使用成本。 |
| 4. | 4 . in the standard rate , overtime rate , and per use cost fields , type the rates for the resource 4 。在“标准费率”域、 “加班费率”域和“每次使用成本”域中,为该资源输入成本费率。 |
| 5. | Enter multiple rates per material resource if you work with different grades of the same material or need to incorporate rate changes on specific dates 如果您使用不同等级的相同材料或者必须从指定日期开始考虑费率的更改,则可为每项资源输入多个费率。 |
| 6. | Enter multiple per - use costs per material resource if you want to enter more than one per - use cost per resource or incorporate future material cost per - use changes 如果您要为每项材料资源输入一项以上的每次使用成本或者要考虑未来每次使用成本的更改,可为其输入多项每次使用成本。 |
| 7. | If you will be using an e - mail workgroup system for some resources or if you selected the send hyperlink in e - mail note check box , you may need to enter e - mail addresses for your resources 如果要将电子邮件系统用于某些资源,或者如果选定了“在电子邮件通知中发送超级链接”复选框,则可能需要为这些资源输入电子邮件地址。 |
| 8. | It is the amount of existing work that is considered by microsoft project to be overtime work . when overtime hours are entered for a resource , microsoft project subtracts overtime hours from regular hours before the duration is calculated 给资源输入了加班工时后, microsoftproject在统计工期时,将从正常的工作小时数中减去加班小时数。 |
| 9. | To ensure that each workgroup message is received by the correct team member , you need to either use each workgroup member ' s e - mail name as the resource name in microsoft project , or enter an e - mail name for each resource who is also a workgroup member 为了确保每条工作组消息能被正确的工作组成员收到,您必须在microsoftproject中将每个工作组成员的电子邮件地址作为资源名,或者为每个同时也是工作组成员的资源输入一个电子邮件名。 |
| 10. | As for handicraft , in the course of rise and fall of handicraft trade , we can found traffic and resources and other factors limited the handicraft economy development , thus xingdan characterized the export of labor and import of resources , promoting the handicraft economy development more and more 手工业经济方面则主要从各种行业的兴衰的过程,说明由于资源和交通的限制,使以劳动力输出和资源输入为主要特征的行担对手工业经济的发展产生了越来越重要的作用。 |