| 1. | He received as many as a hundred letters of congratulation on that single day 在那一天之内他所收到的贺函多达一百封。 |
| 2. | For hong kong residents who are already 100 years old or over , they will also be sent the birthday greetings 至于现时已年满百岁或更高龄的长者,他们亦会收到贺函。 |
| 3. | For personal data protection purposes , proof of age documents will be destroyed after the issue of the greetings 为了保障个人资料,有关的身分证影印本在贺函发出后便会销毁。 |
| 4. | The birthday greetings would also be filed to facilitate the issuance of further greetings on the 105th and subsequent birthdays 我们会把祝寿贺函存册记录,以便以后再发出贺函。 |
| 5. | After issuance of the first message , subsequent greetings will be sent on the 105th and subsequent birthdays 我们在长者百岁寿辰时发出第一封贺函后,会在他们105岁和其后的寿辰继续发出贺函。 |
| 6. | The sending of birthday greetings by the chairman of the elderly commission and the secretary for health , welfare and food to hong kong residents on reaching 100 years old upon the receipt of such a request will take immediate effect 由即日起,安老事务委员会主席和?生福利及食物局局长会应要求向年满百岁的本港长者发出贺函。 |
| 7. | He said the au has grown in strength and played an important role in upgrading peace and stability in africa , promoting african integration and coordinating the position of the african countries on international issues 贺函说,非盟力量不断增长,在维护非洲地区和平与稳定、推进非洲一体化进程、协调非洲国家对外立场等方面发挥了重要作用。 |
| 8. | To promote the positive image of ageing and as a sign of respect to centenarians , the chairman of the elderly commission and the secretary for health , welfare and food will be pleased to send birthday greetings to hong kong residents who are 100 years old or over 为了提升年长的形象,并表达对百岁长者的尊敬,安老事务委员会主席和?生福利及食物局局长很高兴能向本港百岁或以上居民致送祝寿贺函。 |
| 9. | Professor steve cummings , professor of medicine , epidemiology & biostatistics and associate chair for clinical research , department of medicine , university of california , san francisco , praised cuhk for its excellence and research in medicine in a congratulatory message 加州大学旧金山分校流行病学、生命统计学及内科讲座教授暨内科学系临床研究副主任stevecummings教授在致中文大学的贺函中赞扬中大在医学研究的成就。 |
| 10. | On february 22 , 1994 , six u . s . states jointly conferred the world spiritual leadership award on our merciful and revered master . at that time , many political figures from around the world sent congratulatory telegrams and messages to master , who loves all of humanity . they praised master s spirit of selfless sacrifice in consistently rendering aid to people worldwide who are most in need 1994年2月22日,美国六个州共同颁赠世界精神领袖奖给我们敬爱的师父,当时,许多来自世界各地政要的贺电及贺函纷纷献给慈悲博爱的师父,赞扬师父秉着无私奉献的精神,在最需要的时刻援助世界各地的人们。 |