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English translation for "贵宾房间"


Related Translations:
贵宾:  honoured guest; distinguished guest◇贵宾房间 stateroom; 贵宾席 seats for distinguished guests; distinguished visitors' gallery; 贵宾休息室 reserved lounge (for honoured guests)
贵宾证:  viguestvip
贵宾楼:  hong sheng grand hotel
贵宾候机室:  visuite
迷你贵宾:  poodle (miniature)
贵宾接待室:  guest reception room
贵宾犬:  poodles
贵宾车:  vicar
标准贵宾:  poodle (standard)
贵宾通道:  vionly
Example Sentences:
1.Rooms for vip guests must be ready upon the guest ' s arrival ; gsm has the responsibility to monitor the room status
2.When the vip room is checked by the last person in the housekeeping , the room status should be changed into vacant clean
通常贵宾房间应该在客人预抵饭店的一个小时之前准备好。如贵宾房间没有预抵时间,房间应该最迟在12 : 00点之前准备好。
3.Gsm prepares the vacant clean rooms well for the next day if it is possible . assign rooms according to the guest ' s preference and special requests
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