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English translation for "贵人"

[ guìrén, guìren ] 
1.(尊贵的人) a high-ranking government official
2.(古代皇宫中女官名) title of a female palace official

Related Translations:
贵人迷:  the would-be gentleman
贵人香:  grey rislingitalian riesling
贵人派:  optimates
贵人多忘:  a man of distinction always has a poor memory.; a highly placed person is apt to be forgetful.; a man of your eminence has a short memory.; great men are apt to have short memories.; honou
贵人的侍从:  gentleman
贵人的土地:  tribe of superior men
贵人多忘事:  great wits have short memoriesgreedy folks have long arms
桂花开放贵人来:  when the sweet-scented osmanthus is blooming the honored guests arrive
遇到人生中的贵人时:  while meeting the magnate in the life
贵人香 意斯林 薏丝琳:  italian riesling
Example Sentences:
1.The great know trouble as well as the small .
2.Why did i yield to love and marry the natural daughter of a great nobleman ?
3.I told him, this was my castle and my residence; but that i had a seat in the country, as most princes had .
4.he is not embarrassed by the sans-gêne of the hobo, nor put out of countenance by the etiquette of the prince.
5.The truth was the nation as a body was in the world for object, and one only: to grovel before king and church and noble; to slave for them .
6.All the nobles of britain, with their families, attended divine service morning and night daily, in their private chapels, and even the worst of them had family worship five or six times a day besides .
7." have you any idea , lizzy , who this gentleman is
8.The lucky star is sun , a male eminence will appear
吉星有[太阳] ,代表有男性贵人相助。
9." can you possibly guess , lizzy , who is meant by this ?
10.Your friends are your great helpers
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