I thought that even you had so many money , you couldn ' t paste gold papers on the walls 我当时就在琢磨,这钱再多,也不能往墙上贴金纸啊!
3 . he accused the prime minister of burnishing his own image while folding under pressure 他指责总理一方面在压力下退缩,一方面给自己脸上贴金。
As lao , 1 . 96 - meter high , with the painting , expression serious and kind - looking , as in lecture that appears in a silent meditation 太上老君像,通高1 . 96米,贴金彩绘,神态严肃而慈祥,象在讲经说法,又似在沉思冥想。
Once a year , only during the festival days , the locked up four buddha images are brought out for display , worship and gilding with gold leaf 在一年一度的节日期间,封?起的四樽佛像将重新摆设出来供人们瞻仰朝拜和贴金片。
That ' s when a donkey belonging to an antiquities guard fell into a hole that led directly to an undiscovered tomb filled with gold - covered mummies 考古护卫队的一只骆驼掉进了一个坑洞,这直接导致了一个满是贴金木乃伊的墓洞的发现。
On this day grand ceremonies are held on the jiuhua mountain . touring the mountain , one feels detached from reality and forgets all worldly cares 大庙新塑佛像安位上漆贴金,或古佛像重新上漆贴金,都要举行开光仪式,属于佛教大型活动之一。
It also explains the surface finishing , such as gold plating , laminating and the surface protection methods of chemical process protection , electrophoresis lacquering , organic filming , etc 详细叙述了铜牌、铜徽的光亮防护:鎏金、镀金、烤金、镀银、贴金、假贴金、泥金、化学工艺防护、电泳漆、有机膜等。
One cherished , and praiseworthy , goal of the president ' s is to achieve a just and economically literate solution to the problem of illegal immigration in america 最引人关注的、也是最能够往自己脸上“贴金”的事情就是竭尽全力,出台一项合理有效地政策,在最大限度节约成本的情况下,体面地解决好美国的非法移民问题。
In the center of the hall there is a lotus throne , on which sit three giant images of buddha , each about 20ft high and all gilded , tathagata in the middle , amitabha on the left , and " medicine master " on the right 殿正中莲花台上端坐着三尊二丈多高的贴金大佛。中坐者为“如来” ,左边一尊为“阿弥陀佛” ,右边一尊为“药师佛” 。