Better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick 健康富有强于贫病交加。
I can not just turn my back on him now because he ' s ill and poor 现在他贫病交加,我可不能不加理会。
He monthly relief activity got under way as scheduled , as initiates in formosa , bringing supreme master ching hai s love , paid their monthly visits to their friends in need 每月的救济活动如期展开,我们带着师父满满的爱心,依例去拜访慰问几位贫病交加的老朋友。
It was master ching hai s wish that gifts be presented to people before new year s day . volunteers thus tried to accomplish their mission accordingly and reach the southern region in a timely manner 清海师父希望能在春节前将礼物送给大家,所以慰问团们及时赶往南方拜会诗人及音乐家们以及亲手送礼给贫病交加的数十位老艺人。
Singer da huong had just gone through a cancer surgery and was still receiving therapy . musician giao tien , composer of the son co tham ve lang whose house had just burned down , had almost no money and was making sticky rice rolls for a living at cam ranh bus station . musicians hoang thong drifted from the new economic zone to a business in selling lottery tickets at go cong bus station 歌星夜来乡,因为癌症刚开完刀,还在接受治疗音乐家交仙回娘家的作者刚逢回禄之灾,落魄在柬名车站卖粽子音乐家黄松从新经济区回来,在杵工车站以贩售彩券为生歌星雪梅跟维庆同期出名的歌星木兰州霞金爵等如今均贫病交加。
However , it is more difficult than ever stage to make these people get rid of poverty , because over 80 % of the poor people lived in rural , impoverished by illness shared 33 % , quite a few areas over 60 % . 41 % of the illnesses failed to see a doctor in the poor rural , 51 % of the illness advised to be in hospital failed to use inpatient service 但要使这3000万人口脱贫,难度大于以前任何阶段: 80以上贫困人口生活在农村;因病致贫的占33以上,有相当一部分地区达60以上;贫困农民中,应就诊而未就诊率为41 ,应住院而未住院率为51 ,贫病交加。