豹: 名词1.[动物学] (猫科哺乳动物) leopard; panther; species of mountain cat 短语和例子金钱豹 leopard with ring-like spots; spotted leopard; spots2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子豹明 bao ming
An international agreement to establish new transboundary protected areas for leopard conservation was signed between russia and china in 2001 2001年,中俄两国签订国际协议,建立跨境保护区以保育豹类。
The far eastern leopard was featured in wwf s fundraising efforts in russia last year . several social events in moscow involving celebrities were dedicated to the leopard conservation programme 去年俄国分会为远东豹筹募保育经费,在莫斯科举行有关豹类保育项目的社交活动,并邀得名人出席。