After wearing and wasting her palpitating heart with every engine of regret that lonely inexperience could devise, common-sense had illumined her . 她那样一个没有阅历的人,独居孤处,想出种种自悔自恨的方法,折磨、消耗她那颗搏动跳跃的心,这样以后,通常情理又使她心里豁亮起来。
It ' s clean and bright inside the dormitory 宿舍里面清洁豁亮。
My heart then seemed to brighten up and i did not worry about not seeing the inner master . i thought , " no matter whether i see the inner master or not , i know master is beside me taking care of me . 自己心里也就豁亮了,不再为看不到内在师父担忧,不管看到或看不到,反正师父都在我身边照顾我,这我心里很清楚。