He insists over and over that his task is not buffoonery, but teaching (or even preaching) . 他再三坚持说他的工作不是谐谑而是教导(甚至是说教)。
To return to franklin, this didactically waggish man blandly assured english readers that it was grand to see the whales leap like salmon up the falls of niagara . 再回过来说好训人,喜谐谑的富兰克林,可不动声色地使欧洲人相信鲸鱼象鲑鱼那样跳过尼亚加拉瀑布,真可谓蔚为大观。
A probe into banters in internet original literature 网络原创文学谐谑语言探析
A bitter smile : on xin qiji ' s style of banter ci 谈辛弃疾的谐谑词风
Probe into xin qiji ' s banter ci 辛弃疾谐谑词探析
He insists over and over that his task is not buffoonery , but teaching ( or even preaching ) 他再三坚持说他的工作不是谐谑而是教导(甚至是说教) 。
Its lower notes are dark and solemn , while its middle notes are sweet and humorous , and its upper notes are tender and expressive 它的低音区音色阴沉而庄严,中音谐谑温和而甘美,高音柔和而带些忧郁的色彩。
If we reread it from a perspective of aesthetics , we may see its sense of banter and the extended hidden meaning - silent sadness in the comedy context 从审美视域重读它可见其喜剧语境的谐谑意味和延伸出的“味外之旨” “无言的哀戚” 。