Oh , here . on the ground floor we have the reception area . . 噢看这个。栽诼我们会有一个接待区… …
On the camp of the campus the campaign champion put the camera on the camel 在校园的营地上运动冠绿?阌盎?旁诼嫱丈?
Among the western icons which the book cites are the 1960s beat generation of jack kerouac ' s on the road 此书爱援引的文化偶像还有美国六十年代?诼飞蝾一代。
They are also creating and spreading rumors , inducing defeatist sentiments , pursuing a policy of mollification and denouncing our anti - japanese laws and orders , in an attempt to destroy our anti - japanese base areas 他们还制造谣诼流言,散布失败情绪,推行怀柔政策,破坏我抗战法令,妄图摧毁我抗日根据地。
Meanwhile , my dear connie , if you would enjoy to stay in venice or in switzerland till the beginning of august , i should be glad to think you were out of all this buzz of nastiness , which will have died quite away by the end of the month 我亲爱的康妮,假如你觉得快活的话,你就在威尼斯或瑞士留在八月初罢,你能远隔着这些污秽的谣诼,我是觉得欣快的,这些谣琢到了月底便可以全息了。
This essay discriminates a set of synonyms including eight characters ( six characters are not included in chinese cognate characters dictionary by wang li ) and proves that it is an effective way to analyze and differentiate synonyms through the etymologic angle of view 摘要摘要:从词源的角度辨析了王力先生《同源字典》所无的一组同义词:讥、诽、诋、诉、谤、诼、讦,证明了从词源角度分析词义、辨析同义词是一种行之有效的方法。
All these happenings , which had gone the rounds of paris , the mother town of scandal , were beginning to be forgotten , and i myself was forgetting quite what my part in events had been , when something occurred which led to my becoming acquainted with the whole of marguerite s life , and put in my way particulars so affecting that i was seized with an urge to write this story and now do so 在巴黎这个谣诼纷纭的罪恶渊薮里,这些事情到处有人在议论,随着岁月的消逝,也就慢慢地被人遗忘了。要不是我忽然又遇上了一件事,我也几乎忘记了自己怎么会参与这些事情的。通过这件事,我知道了玛格丽特的身世,并且还知道了一些非常感人的详情细节。
This essay analyses and differentiates a set of synonyms including eight characters ( six characters are not included in chinese cognate characters dictionary by wang li ) , and proves that it is a effective way to analyze and differentiate the synonyms through the etymologic angle of view 摘要文章从词源的角度辨析了一组包括八个词的同义词(其中讥、诽、诋、诉、谤、诼、讦为王力先生的《同源字典》所无) ,证明了从词源角度分析词义、辨析同义词是一种行之有效的方法。