Small - town ennui now a subject of the past , the most acclaimed of 6th generation directors takes on the world in his first government - sanctioned feature 贾樟柯首部浮上地面作品,锐意照顾商业影院的观众,并非诳言。
Let me tell a story of how mara tried to confound the buddha . after you hear the story , please figure out what the conditioned origin of sensual desires might be 让我说一个恶魔如何诳惑佛陀的故事吧!听完之后,请想一想什么是欲望生起的条件吧!
To make this " deceit " more realistic , conduct yourself just as you would , if you were already in possession of the material thing which you are demanding , when you call upon your subconscious mind 为了要让自己的“欺诳”更形真实,你可以在言行举止上,表现得有如切身拥有了自己所求的实质事物一样,来驱策你的潜意识。