Zero defect and zero delay are our constant pursuit , customers ' satisfaction is our standard 致力追求零缺点、零误期是我们的发展目标,顾客满意是我们的服务标准。
3 the inner envelopes shall bear the name and address of the tenderer to enable the tender to be returned unopened in case it is declared late (三)内信封上应写明投标者姓名和地址,以便在标书误期的情况下不用打开即可退回投标者。
2 if at any time during performance of the contract , the seller should encounter conditions impeding timely delivery of the goods and performance of service , the seller shall promptly notify the buyer in writing of the fact of the delay , its likely duration and its cause ( s ) 在履行合同过程中,如果卖方遇到妨碍按时交货和提供服务的情况时,应及时以书面形式将拖延的事实、可能拖延的时间和原因通知买方,买方在收到卖方通知后,应尽快对情况进行评价,并确定是否同意延长交货时间以及是否收取误期赔偿费。
3 except as provided under clause 17 of the contract , a delay by the seller in the performance of its delivery obligations shall render the seller liable to the imposition of liquidated damages pursuant to clause 18 . 4 of the contract , unless the extension of time is agreed upon pursuant clause 18 . 2 of the contract without the application of liquidated damages 除了合同第17条的情况外,除非拖延是根据合同条款第18 . 2条的规定取得同意而不收取误期赔偿费之外,卖方延误交货,将按照合同条款第18 . 4条的规定被收取误期赔偿费。