Where there were quarrels , his kindly smile and casually uttered jokes were enough to reconcile the antagonists 无论在那里发生争吵,只要他露出和善的微笑,随便打个诨,就和事了。
A worrisome person is like someone who works out on a stationary bicycle . he sweats like mad , but never gets anywhere 做事畏首畏尾,就好比骑健身脚踏车:尽管诨汗如雨,始终留在原地。
The growth of population during the past few centuries is no proof that population will continue to grow straight upward toward infinity and doom 以往几个世纪人口的增荒苤魅丝诨嵛尴薜刂毕呦蛏显龀钡交倜鸬牡夭健