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English translation for "该改"


Related Translations:
向前改出:  forward recovery
该怎么做:  how
染色质该仁:  net-knot
该罚程度:  degree of culpability
命名该元素:  ytterby
该厌恶的:  execrable
英该地:  ein gedi
该用户不在该多播组中:  user not in multicast group
该处不允许:  error 118 include files are not allowed here
不能输出该符号:  error 167 cannot export this symbol
Example Sentences:
1.Maybe it ' s time you stop running from your emotions
2.I think it is time for exams to be reformed now
(我认为目前的考试到该改一改的时候了。 )
3.- i might have to convert . - i happen to believe in it
4.I might have to convert . - i happen to believe in it
5.You fix that temper of yours , too
6.Might have to change the title
7.The structure of the resin and its thermo capability were analyzed and characterized by ir and thermoanalysis
8.The plastic - wood fencing products look like wood fully , also be wood - aromatic when be smelled . it can be saw , plane , bore just like wood
9.The result of water - binding ability test including water - retention ability , especially water - adsorption ability , showed great enhancement of hydrophilicity of the modified pdl - la scaffold , which would favor for the 3d cell culture
10.( 3 ) on the basis of experiments , try pavement is constructed when the content of sbs is 6 % . the pavement technology is confirmed and the performance of pavement is tested . changjiang road in kunsan was constructed using the modified asphalt
( 3 )在前面实验室研究的基础上,确定sbs的掺入量为6 % ,试铺了试铺段,确定了摊铺工艺和测试了路面性能,并实际摊铺了昆山市长江路,结果表明,该改性沥青性能完全能满足设计需要。
Similar Words:
"该方法显示有效" English translation, "该放下您的枪" English translation, "该分类下文章总数" English translation, "该付代价" English translation, "该付还的" English translation, "该干……" English translation, "该港是一个重要的海军基地" English translation, "该工厂为一千多熟练工人提供就业机会" English translation, "该工程的幕后策画人" English translation, "该工作时做别的事,工作时偷懒" English translation