This is not the first time that this author has failed to notify us about a vulnerability before making it public , despite the fact that notifying the vendor first is de facto an industry standard 尽管向制造商第一时间汇报反馈为业界之不诤的共识;然而该文作者已不止一次地在报告漏洞问题上犯马后炮的失误了。
The first one has a brief introduction to birth and development of credit card , defines the concept of credit card , discusses legal characters and functions of credit card , and most importantly makes clear the legal relations between the parties of credit card transactions 诙?诖幽诤?屯庋臃治鲂庞每?概念,指出本文所称信用卡专指银行信用卡,认为信用卡在法律性质上属于一种消费信贷,具有转帐结算、存取现金和消费贷款等功能。