| 1. | Practice and experience of operative surgery teaching reform 实验诊断学实习课教学体会 |
| 2. | Diagnostics teaching with ideas of evidence - based medicine 应用循证医学理念开展诊断学教学 |
| 3. | Prospect of teaching innovation on diagnostics 诊断学教学改革前景分析 |
| 4. | Department of diagnostic radiology and organ imaging 放射诊断学系 |
| 5. | Application of cai in teaching of bone marrow cell morphology 课件在骨髓细胞学检测诊断学教学中的应用 |
| 6. | The construction and practice of the top - quality course of diagnostics 浅谈诊断学精品课程的建设与实践 |
| 7. | The problem and solve of diagnosis teaching in medical vocation teaching 医学高职诊断学教学的问题与对策 |
| 8. | Chinese journal of laboratory diagnosis 中国实验诊断学 |
| 9. | Primary experience in the course of clinical microbiology teaching practice 临床诊断学实习课试讲制度体会 |
| 10. | Department of diagnostic radiology 放射诊断学系 |