| 1. | Do not exercise on an empty stomach or just after a big meal 不应空肚做运动,特别紧记要吃早餐,以免体力不支。 |
| 2. | Brief report of the seminar on the development of plastics packaging technology 塑料包装材料技术发展研讨会会议记要 |
| 3. | It is important to visit your doctor regularly to have your condition monitored 患者必须谨记要定期接受医生覆诊,检查病况。 |
| 4. | Please therefore remember to include your spouse ' s assets and income here 故此,阁下于填报本表格时,紧记要同时包括配偶的财产和收入。 |
| 5. | To share our joy with others , stay cool and behave responsibly in a crowd 要一起享受欢乐的节日气氛,在人多的地方紧记要保持冷静和守秩序。 |
| 6. | It is important to visit your doctor regularly to have your blood pressure monitored 患者必须谨记要定期前往医生处覆诊,检查血压的水平。 |
| 7. | To share our joy with others , stay cool and behave responsibly in a crowd 要一起享受欢乐的节日气氛,在人多的地方紧记要保持冷静和守秩序。 |
| 8. | Do not exercise on an empty stomach or just after a big meal . wear comfortable clothing , socks and shoes 不应空肚做运动,特别紧记要吃早餐,以免体力不支。 |
| 9. | Use rubber tubing approved by the electrical and mechanical services department and gas appliances with the gu mark 紧记要使用获机电工程署批准的胶管和贴有gu标志的炉具, |
| 10. | Dining out is usually an enjoyable experience , but it certainly pays to8 be aware of the potential health risks 出外用膳通常是令人享受的,同时亦要注意其潜在的危机,紧记要注意食物卫生。 |