| 1. | Several mistakes in understanding chinese urbanization 关于我国城市化认识上的几个误区探讨 |
| 2. | The three long - standing mistaken ideas to understand market mechanism 论市场机制认识上的三个误区 |
| 3. | Wrong views on words of the same origins 对同源词认识上的误区 |
| 4. | Several mistakes on the cognition over ideology education for pupil 未成年人思想道德教育认识上的几个误区 |
| 5. | His pain is mainly derived from his wrong opinion on thing ' s value 他的痛苦多半是由于他对事物的价值认识上的错误。 |
| 6. | An analysis of the differences in understanding market economy ' s essential characters 的争鸣实质在于市场经济本质特征认识上的分歧 |
| 7. | The different understanding of the fund structure leads to the different practices in different countries 结构认识上的差异导致了以上诸国在实践上的迥异。 |
| 8. | One opposite regulating the short - swing trading with legal measures , the other support it 关于以法律手规制短线交易,立法价值何在,理论界曾存在认识上的分歧。 |
| 9. | The proper construction of teacher s professional image plays a vital role in the maturation of teacher ' s profession 我国教师职业形象存在认识上的模糊性和片面性。 |