[ chùlèipángtōng ] (掌握了某一事物的知识和规律, 对同类的问题也可以类推了解) grasp a typical example and you will grasp the whole category; comprehend by analogy; know the rest of a kind by analogy; draw an analogy; draw parallels from inference; reason by analogy; single out one thing and bring out its interrelationships
Related Translations:
举一反三触类旁通: this single item will suffice to typify all the rest
English songs can help us ease our nerves and calm down . so let me quietly enjoy it 实用英语,行业英语. . . . . .他山之石,能够使我们触类旁通,以更好的学习和思考。
To study about design patterns , the most important is to master its design idea , but not to learn a single design pattern instance 了解设计模式,更多的应该着重于学会其设计思想,以达到举一反三,触类旁通的地步。同时,这也是发展新的设计模式的需要。
Guided by this theory , great emphasis is placed on the lexical similarities between sounds , forms and meanings in english vocabulary teaching so as to foster students ' ability to draw inferences about other cases from one instance 在英语词汇教学中,以相似论为指导,抓住词与词之间音、形、义的相似点,以培养学生举一反三、触类旁通、由此及彼的能力。
In these discourses , master explains in everyday language the meaning of idealism how our eyes , ears , nose , tongue , body , and consciousness affect our feelings and thoughts , and how to avoid maya s traps of matter , sensation and perception . she also narrates stories about many spiritual practitioners and discusses , in simple terms , the less easily understood parts of the buddhist scriptures . these lectures offer unique , practical teachings that can help us to overcome latent obstacles in our spiritual cultivation of body , speech , and mind 精选三是一套从未曾出版过的早期开示录音带,师父以最适合现在众生的口语,为我们讲解楞严经中什么是唯识我们的眼耳鼻舌身和意识如何牵引着我们起心动念以及如何才不会坠入色受想等各种阴魔的陷阱,并列举许多修行者的故事,以最深入浅出的方式将艰深的经文分次讲解,让我们能举一反三触类旁通,帮助我们突破修行路上身口意各方面所可能有的障碍。