[ fùmò ] 1.[书面语] (翻而沉没) capsize and sink 短语和例子 三艘敌舰全部覆没。 all three enemy warships were sunk.2.(被消灭) be overwhelmed; be annihilated; be wiped out; be routed 短语和例子 敌人全军覆没。the enemy's whole army was destroyed
At this moment here was the only hope of saving anything from destruction or surrender . 在这个时候,这是避免覆没或投降的唯一希望。
When the night merges with the day , the snow endlessly falls and the frost covers the trees in icy kisses 就在黑夜行将被白昼吞没的那一刻,无尽的雪簌簌落下,树枝顷刻覆没在冰霜的细吻中。
The result , however , was that the newspaper was swallowed by the " huge wave " of history in its attempting to sail against the " trend " 然而, 《新新新闻》因逆历史潮流而动,最终为历史的洪流所覆没。
For a while it looked as though the making of semiconductors , which america had invented and which sat at the heart of the new computer age , was going to be the next casualty 曾有一段时间,似乎半导体制造业是另一个将要覆没的产业,要知道半导体正是美国人所发明,它在计算机新时代起着核心作用。
Exterminating chen zuyi ' s pirate group was one of the significant accomplishments for zheng ' s first trip , but as for the reasons of chen ' s extermination , the epitaphs and documents give different accounts 剿灭海寇陈祖义集团,是郑和舟师第一次下西洋的重大成果之一;但碑文和文献关于陈祖义海盗集团覆没的原因有不同的记载。
The thesis argues that the destruction of chen ' s gang was due to their threats and blockage to ming dynasty ' s diplomatic strategy and the maritime traffic , not their “ harassment to our fleet ” which had never happened at all 文章提出,对明王朝外交战略、东西方海上交通的严重威胁和阻碍,是导致陈祖义海盗集团覆没的原因;而“犯我舟师”不是事实,也就不成其为原因。
On the early morning of september 5 , water levels climbed rapidly , submerging many villages and the larger part of the county s older urban district . water rose to the third story of many buildings , causing severe devastation . in local villages , most of the houses collapsed and the fields were buried in mud , depriving residents of their means of livelihood 9月5日凌晨时分,河水急剧高涨,淹没了多处村落及大部分老城区,洪水涨到三楼的高度,造成严重损失尤其是农村地区,大量房屋倒塌,庄稼也被泥泞覆没,生计艰难。
I look d on the rapid currents which ran constantly on both sides of the island , at a distance , and which were very terrible to me , from the remembrance of the hazard i had been in before , and my heart began to fail me ; for i foresaw that if i was driven into either of those currents , i should be carry d a vast way out to sea , and perhaps out of my reach , or sight of the island again ; and that then , as my boat was but small , if any little gale of wind should rise , i should be inevitably lost 我遥望着远处海岛两边日夜奔腾的两股急流,回想起上次遭到的危险,不由得有点害怕了。因为我可以想见,只要被卷入这两股急流中的任何一股,小舟一定会被冲进外海,到那时,我就再也看不到小岛,再也回不到小岛了。我的船仅仅是一只小小的独木舟,只要大海上稍稍起一阵风,就难免覆没了。
On seeing mack and learning the details of his overthrow , he grasped the fact that half the campaign was lost ; he perceived all the difficulty of the position of the russian troops , and vividly pictured to himself what lay before the army , and the part he would have to play in the work in store for them 安德烈公爵看见马克并听见他的军队覆没的详情之后,他心中明白,半个战局已经输完了,俄军的处境极其艰难。他很生动地想到军队即将面临何种局面,他在军队中应当发挥何种作用。